Teniralc increases the offer price to SEK 70 per share and receives unanimous board recommendation from Cary Group's independent bid committee | Nordic Capital

Teniralc increases the offer price to SEK 70 per share and receives unanimous board recommendation from Cary Group's independent bid committee


CVC Funds and Nordic Capital, through the jointly owned company Teniralc BidCo AB (“Teniralc”), announced on 29 June 2022 a public offer to the shareholders in Cary Group Holding AB (publ) (“Cary Group”) to tender any and all shares in Cary Group to Teniralc at a price of SEK 65 in cash per share (the “Offer”). On 24 August 2022, Teniralc announced that the acceptance period for the Offer was extended until 9 September 2022. Teniralc has now decided to increase the price in the Offer to SEK 70 in cash per share (the “Revised Offer”) and to further extend the acceptance period. The independent bid committee of Cary Group's Board of Directors unanimously recommends all shareholders in Cary Group to accept the Revised Offer.

For full access to the press release, please see www.carcare-offer.com